Ten Sepia Chapter Illustrations for Sepia Bugs for Gardening Life Wingtypes – $ 500
Leaves Cover for Gardening Life – $ 1000
Two Oils on Paper Featured in Southern Accents – $ 1200 EACH
Lee May's Gardening Life – $ 4500 AS A GROUP
- Gold Finch Study $350
- Red Jungle Fowl Chick 2 $350
- Snowdrop with Back Background $350
- Two Pheasant Chicks (Portfolio) $350
- Avocet study #1 on tissue $500
- Baby Pineapple $500
- Fig on Branch $500
- Guava and Tropical Fruits $500
- Blueberries $550
- Gold Finch and Camellias $550
- Black Walnuts $600
- Grasshopper with other Bug Studies $600
- Peony Pink Looking Away From You $600
- White Peony $600
- Black Tulip $800
- Melon Queen Anne (Portfolio) $850
- Brook Trout $950
- Pineapple $1200
- Strawberry in Early Bloom $1250
- Bird on Fig Branch $1400
- Confederate Rose – Southern Living Article Illustration $1500
- Sea Oats $1500
- Pink Peony $1600
- Snowy Egret in process $1600
- Warbler on Tropical Flowers $1600
- Gold Finch with on Pear Branch (Portfolio) $1800
- Little Brown Bat (Portfolio) $1800
- Red Wing Blackbird on Grass – Ace Basin Study $2000
- Brown Pelican $2400
- Guinea Fowl $2400
- Nautilus with Shell Studies $2400
- Queen Conch with Shell Studies $2400
- Small Amaryllis $2400
- Amaryllis $2500
- Byron’s Blue Iris $2500
- Sweet Pea Vine $2500
- American Avocet on Twig Nest (invitation piece) $2600
- Osprey $2600
- Black Crown Night Heron $2600
- Great Egret and Snowy Egret $2600
- Cantaloupe Melon (Portfolio) $2700
- Milkweed Pod with Butterfly $2800
- Snowy Egret Standing on Marsh Grass (Portfolio) $2800
- Large Strawberry Plant $3200
- Tall White Peony with Moss Ground $3800
- Quail – Ace Basin – Pond Pine Forest (Portfolio) $4200
- American Avocet in Marsh $5200
- Red Jungle Fowl Rooster from Gentle Farm $8000