Fall 2009
“While on the ground of the trail photographing to get reference for woodland plants, I found a tree frog sitting just where I had pictured it in my mind. A small but memorable thrill, the magic that happens when you take time to really see, what a privilege it is to capture a timeless spot, preserved for all our delight… ”
~ MP
“The Flora and Fauna of Ladew Gardens” was held Thursday, October 8th to benefit Ladew Topiary Gardens. Meg Page’s comprehensive show of paintings celebrated the 10th anniversary of the Nature Walk and grounds of Harvey Ladew.
The show spotlighted original water colors and oils on board, as well as an exhibit of local collectors of Meg’s commissioned works. Meg Page, a nationally acclaimed botanical and naturalist painter, has been featured in Town and Country, Southern Living, Southern Accents and Style magazines.
Experience Meg’s work either online, on exhibit or by appointment at her Baltimore Studio.